AI Platform

The Patent Pending CogniSure AI Platform is a cloud hosted secure platform built with many proprietary algorithms to extract data from unstructured documents into a structured output format.


Ingestion Methods

Ingestion of unstructured data into the CogniSure AI platform is available through the below methods:
  • CogniSure AI connects to a dedicated email inbox using modern authentication (Token, API) to extract data and attachments.
  • Call our RESTful API for structured output (JSON).
  • You can log into CogniSure AI Client portal and directly upload data into our platform.
  • Log into the CogniSure AI client portal and directly upload data into our platform FTP server scheduled batch upload.

CogniSure AI Platform Components

  • MailExtract
    Extracts data from Emails.
  • SplitAny
    Splits large bundled documents into individual documents.
  • IdentifyAny
    Identifies the carrier and document type
  • ExtractAny
    Extracts data at the desired level of granularity.
  • InterpretAny
    NLP techniques identify the meaning of the text. For example – the CogniSure platform can identify "Cause of Loss" from loss description information provided in loss runs.
  • Any2Any
    Converts extracted output into an industry common data set and client specific output formats.
  • SearchAny
    Searches information buried in documents and emails.


Extracted data is enriched with 3rd party data sources to create powerful actionable insights through the data visualization platform QlikSense.
